The ALEXA 35 is a 4.6K S35 sensor camera, measuring 17 stops of dynamic range, the highest of any cinema camera on the market.
ARRI’s latest gen sensor gains 1.5 stops in the highlights and a stop in the shadows over previous ALEXA cameras, while retaining the naturalistic, film-like highlight roll-off cinematographers have come to expect.
Enhanced Sensitivity mode (ES) is now available for low light shooting and a texture setting can be adjusted to control contrast and grain in the image.
CSLA’s Kit includes: LPL Mount w/ calibrated PL Adapter, ARRI 15mm Studio Cage, ARRI PDM-1 providing 7 additional power outputs, and ARRI Codex Compact Drive Card Reader (Thunderbolt 3)
Available accessories include the ARRI Audio Extension Module AEM-1 adding 3 mini XLR ports.