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ISCO 140-420mm T2.7 ZOOM

ISCO 140-420mm T2.7 ZOOM

The rarest, fastest, full frame zoom you ever met.

This beast is a custom project from Clairmont Camera manufactured by ISCO (before they were bought by Schneider) around the same time they were making optics for NASA. It was made to compete with the Panavision SLZ3 and Hawk 150-450. At a “True T2.7” the original manual claims to be the fastest in its class, accusing the SLZ and Hawk lenses of exaggerate their true speed!

Originally built to help cinematographers shooting lower iso film stocks, it proves a helpful tool to pair with modern full frame cameras to capture beautiful depth and separation between subject and background. It covers full frame in all modes on the Venice and Alexa LF OG.

This lens was truly built for maximum performance and spared no cost in its development. Only a handful were created making this a true unicorn. This is the only copy available anywhere for rent!

List Price
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Tech Specs
Sample Footage
Focal LengthT StopClose FocusWeightLengthCoverageMountFront Diameter
140-420mmT2.710'5"50lbs (with baseplate)3'FFPLcustom mattebox